Subscriber Accounts API
Reference material for usage on Subscriber > Subscriber Accounts.
List Subscriber Accounts.
Accepted Roles (RBAC)
AdministratorCustomerNetwork OperationsStaff MemberSubscriber AccountsSubscriber AdministratorSubscriber SupportSupportRequest Parameters
Name | In | Type | Description | MUST include |
X-Auth-Token | header | string | Valid Authentication Token. Please see developers documentation/identity. | X |
X-Tenant-ID | header | string | Request Tenant Context. | |
X-Timezone | header | string | Timezone for response datetime property values. (default UTC) | |
calling_station_id | query | string | Filter by calling_station_id. (can suffix with wildcard *) | |
id | query | string | Filter by id. (can suffix with wildcard *) | |
l | query | integer | Paginate Limit / Entities per Page. (1-50, 0 for infinite, -1 for streaming) | |
p | query | integer | Paginate Current Page. (default 1) | |
sc | query | string | Sort by Property/Column. (id, username, calling_station_id) | |
sd | query | string | Sort direction. asc for Ascending or desc for Descending | |
username | query | string | Filter by username. (can suffix with wildcard *) |
Response Status Codes
Code | Meaning |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized / Require Authentication |
403 | Forbidden / Access Denied |
429 | Too Many Requests / Your Rate Limited |
500, 501, 502, 503, 504 | Service Unavailable |
Response Properties
Name | In | Type | Description |
calling_station_id | body | string | Calling Station Id. |
creation_time | body | string | Datetime when the subscriber account was created. |
domain | body | string | Entity Domain. |
enabled | body | boolean | Boolean to enable/disable subscriber. A disabled subscriber will not recieve services. |
expire | body | string | Datetime when the subscriber account is set to expire. If this is in the past, the account will not recieve services. |
id | body | string | Unique Entity ID. |
inactive_purge | body | integer | Number of hours that the subscriber can be inactive for before being purged. |
last_seen | body | string | Datetime when last accounting packet was recieved for this subscriber account. | | body | integer | Current Page. (always 1 for infinite) |
metadata.pages | body | integer | Total Pages. (always 1 for infinite) |
metadata.per_page | body | integer | Equeal to the entities per page limit or always equal to total records for infinite queries. |
metadata.records | body | integer | Total entities found. (always max 250 unless infinite is accepted query parameter) |
name | body | string | Name of Entity. |
pool_id | body | string | Pool Id. |
profile | body | string | Name of subscriber profile currently applied to this subscriber account. |
profile_id | body | string | Profile Id. |
purge_if_seen | body | boolean | If true subscriber can only be purged after having been active. |
service | body | string | Name of Radius Service profile currently applied to this subscriber account. |
service_id | body | string | Service Id. |
static_ip4 | body | string | Static IP address assigned to subscriber account. |
tenant_id | body | string | Entity Tenant. |
timezone | body | string | Timezone in which the subscriber account exists, used for aggrigation of telemetry data. |
uncapped_data | body | boolean | Boolean to indicate of the subscriber account is allowed to use uncapped data. |
username | body | string | Username. |
virtual | body | string | Name of Virtual Radius server currently applied to this subscriber account. |
virtual_id | body | string | Virtual Id. |
Response Example
"payload": [
"id": "0001d2f0-61c7-4ab8-b4db-21118b886711",
"virtual_id": "465be807-54f1-4bf6-b940-398ed95cdbe7",
"service_id": "dee171f4-34a7-401b-bdef-9cd2ca6a9e8f",
"profile_id": "bf22fc11-c0e5-4732-b8ef-58d6b319a08a",
"pool_id": null,
"domain": "",
"tenant_id": null,
"name": "TEST Account",
"username": "",
"calling_station_id": "",
"static_ip4": null,
"last_known_nas_name": null,
"last_known_nas_ip4": null,
"enabled": true,
"creation_time": "2021-06-23T07:57:21.000Z",
"updated_time": "2024-08-23T12:10:52.000Z",
"expire": "2024-09-24T07:54:00.000Z",
"timezone": "Africa/Johannesburg",
"last_seen": "2021-07-05T06:57:43.000Z",
"inactive_purge": null,
"purge_if_seen": false,
"locked_tags": "",
"service": "BROADBAND PPPOE",
"virtual": "BROADBAND AAA",
"profile": "15 Mbps Uncapped",
"uncapped_data": true
"metadata": {
"records": 1,
"page": 1,
"pages": 1,
"per_page": 10
Get Subscriber Account.
Accepted Roles (RBAC)
AdministratorCustomerNetwork OperationsStaff MemberSubscriber AccountsSubscriber AdministratorSubscriber SupportSupportRequest Parameters
Name | In | Type | Description | MUST include |
X-Auth-Token | header | string | Valid Authentication Token. Please see developers documentation/identity. | X |
X-Tenant-ID | header | string | Request Tenant Context. | |
X-Timezone | header | string | Timezone for response datetime property values. (default UTC) | |
subscriber_id | url | string | Subscriber Id. | X |
Response Status Codes
Code | Meaning |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized / Require Authentication |
403 | Forbidden / Access Denied |
404 | Not Found |
429 | Too Many Requests / Your Rate Limited |
500, 501, 502, 503, 504 | Service Unavailable |
Response Properties
Name | In | Type | Description |
calling_station_id | body | string | Calling Station Id. |
creation_time | body | string | Datetime when the subscriber account was created. |
domain | body | string | Entity Domain. |
enabled | body | boolean | Boolean to enable/disable subscriber. A disabled subscriber will not recieve services. |
expire | body | string | Datetime when the subscriber account is set to expire. If this is in the past, the account will not recieve services. |
id | body | string | Unique Entity ID. |
inactive_purge | body | integer | Number of hours that the subscriber can be inactive for before being purged. |
last_seen | body | string | Datetime when last accounting packet was recieved for this subscriber account. |
name | body | string | Name of Entity. |
pool_id | body | string | Pool Id. |
profile | body | string | Name of subscriber profile currently applied to this subscriber account. |
profile_id | body | string | Profile Id. |
purge_if_seen | body | boolean | If true subscriber can only be purged after having been active. |
service | body | string | Name of Radius Service profile currently applied to this subscriber account. |
service_id | body | string | Service Id. |
static_ip4 | body | string | Static IP address assigned to subscriber account. |
tenant_id | body | string | Entity Tenant. |
timezone | body | string | Timezone in which the subscriber account exists, used for aggrigation of telemetry data. |
uncapped_data | body | boolean | Boolean to indicate of the subscriber account is allowed to use uncapped data. |
username | body | string | Username. |
virtual | body | string | Name of Virtual Radius server currently applied to this subscriber account. |
virtual_id | body | string | Virtual Id. |
Response Example
"id": "0001d2f0-61c7-4ab8-b4db-21118b886711",
"virtual_id": "465be807-54f1-4bf6-b940-398ed95cdbe7",
"service_id": "dee171f4-34a7-401b-bdef-9cd2ca6a9e8f",
"profile_id": "bf22fc11-c0e5-4732-b8ef-58d6b319a08a",
"pool_id": null,
"domain": "",
"tenant_id": null,
"name": "TEST Account",
"username": "",
"calling_station_id": "",
"static_ip4": null,
"last_known_nas_name": null,
"last_known_nas_ip4": null,
"enabled": true,
"creation_time": "2021-06-23T07:57:21.000Z",
"updated_time": "2024-08-23T12:10:52.000Z",
"expire": "2024-09-24T07:54:00.000Z",
"timezone": "Africa/Johannesburg",
"last_seen": "2021-07-05T06:57:43.000Z",
"inactive_purge": null,
"purge_if_seen": false,
"locked_tags": "",
"service": "BROADBAND PPPOE",
"virtual": "BROADBAND AAA",
"profile": "15 Mbps Uncapped",
"uncapped_data": true
Create Subscriber Account.
Request Parameters
Name | In | Type | Description | MUST include |
X-Auth-Token | header | string | Valid Authentication Token. Please see developers documentation/identity. | X |
X-Tenant-ID | header | string | Request Tenant Context. | |
X-Timezone | header | string | Timezone for response datetime property values. (default UTC) | |
calling_station_id | body | string | Calling Station Id. | |
enabled | body | boolean | Boolean to enable/disable subscriber. A disabled subscriber will not recieve services. | |
expire | body | string | Datetime when the subscriber account is set to expire. If this is in the past, the account will not recieve services. | |
inactive_purge | body | integer | Number of hours that the subscriber can be inactive for before being purged. | |
name | body | string | Name of Entity. | |
pool_id | body | string | Pool Id. | |
profile_id | body | string | Profile Id. | X |
purge_if_seen | body | boolean | If true subscriber can only be purged after having been active. | |
service_id | body | string | Service Id. | X |
static_ip4 | body | string | Static IP address assigned to subscriber account. | |
timezone | body | string | Timezone in which the subscriber account exists, used for aggrigation of telemetry data. | X |
username | body | string | Username. | X |
virtual_id | body | string | Virtual Id. | X |
Request Example
"virtual_id": "465be807-54f1-4bf6-b940-398ed95cdbe7",
"service_id": "dee171f4-34a7-401b-bdef-9cd2ca6a9e8f",
"profile_id": "bf22fc11-c0e5-4732-b8ef-58d6b319a08a",
"name": "TEST Account",
"username": "",
"enabled": true,
"timezone": "Africa/Johannesburg"
Response Status Codes
Code | Meaning |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized / Require Authentication |
403 | Forbidden / Access Denied |
429 | Too Many Requests / Your Rate Limited |
500, 501, 502, 503, 504 | Service Unavailable |
Response Properties
Name | In | Type | Description |
calling_station_id | body | string | Calling Station Id. |
creation_time | body | string | Datetime when the subscriber account was created. |
domain | body | string | Entity Domain. |
enabled | body | boolean | Boolean to enable/disable subscriber. A disabled subscriber will not recieve services. |
expire | body | string | Datetime when the subscriber account is set to expire. If this is in the past, the account will not recieve services. |
id | body | string | Unique Entity ID. |
inactive_purge | body | integer | Number of hours that the subscriber can be inactive for before being purged. |
last_seen | body | string | Datetime when last accounting packet was recieved for this subscriber account. |
name | body | string | Name of Entity. |
pool_id | body | string | Pool Id. |
profile | body | string | Name of subscriber profile currently applied to this subscriber account. |
profile_id | body | string | Profile Id. |
purge_if_seen | body | boolean | If true subscriber can only be purged after having been active. |
service | body | string | Name of Radius Service profile currently applied to this subscriber account. |
service_id | body | string | Service Id. |
static_ip4 | body | string | Static IP address assigned to subscriber account. |
tenant_id | body | string | Entity Tenant. |
timezone | body | string | Timezone in which the subscriber account exists, used for aggrigation of telemetry data. |
uncapped_data | body | boolean | Boolean to indicate of the subscriber account is allowed to use uncapped data. |
username | body | string | Username. |
virtual | body | string | Name of Virtual Radius server currently applied to this subscriber account. |
virtual_id | body | string | Virtual Id. |
Response Example
"id": "0001d2f0-61c7-4ab8-b4db-21118b886711",
"virtual_id": "465be807-54f1-4bf6-b940-398ed95cdbe7",
"service_id": "dee171f4-34a7-401b-bdef-9cd2ca6a9e8f",
"profile_id": "bf22fc11-c0e5-4732-b8ef-58d6b319a08a",
"pool_id": null,
"domain": "",
"tenant_id": null,
"name": "TEST Account",
"username": "",
"calling_station_id": "",
"static_ip4": null,
"last_known_nas_name": null,
"last_known_nas_ip4": null,
"enabled": true,
"creation_time": "2021-06-23T07:57:21.000Z",
"updated_time": "2024-08-23T12:10:52.000Z",
"expire": "2024-09-24T07:54:00.000Z",
"timezone": "Africa/Johannesburg",
"last_seen": "2021-07-05T06:57:43.000Z",
"inactive_purge": null,
"purge_if_seen": false,
"locked_tags": "",
"service": "BROADBAND PPPOE",
"virtual": "BROADBAND AAA",
"profile": "15 Mbps Uncapped",
"uncapped_data": true
Update Subscriber Account.
Accepted Roles (RBAC)
AdministratorNetwork OperationsSubscriber AccountsSubscriber AdministratorRequest Parameters
Name | In | Type | Description | MUST include |
X-Auth-Token | header | string | Valid Authentication Token. Please see developers documentation/identity. | X |
X-Tenant-ID | header | string | Request Tenant Context. | |
X-Timezone | header | string | Timezone for response datetime property values. (default UTC) | |
subscriber_id | url | string | Subscriber Id. | X |
calling_station_id | body | string | Calling Station Id. | |
enabled | body | boolean | Boolean to enable/disable subscriber. A disabled subscriber will not recieve services. | |
expire | body | string | Datetime when the subscriber account is set to expire. If this is in the past, the account will not recieve services. | |
inactive_purge | body | integer | Number of hours that the subscriber can be inactive for before being purged. | |
name | body | string | Name of Entity. | |
pool_id | body | string | Pool Id. | |
profile_id | body | string | Profile Id. | |
purge_if_seen | body | boolean | If true subscriber can only be purged after having been active. | |
service_id | body | string | Service Id. | |
static_ip4 | body | string | Static IP address assigned to subscriber account. | |
timezone | body | string | Timezone in which the subscriber account exists, used for aggrigation of telemetry data. | X |
username | body | string | Username. | |
virtual_id | body | string | Virtual Id. |
Request Example
"virtual_id": "465be807-54f1-4bf6-b940-398ed95cdbe7",
"service_id": "dee171f4-34a7-401b-bdef-9cd2ca6a9e8f",
"profile_id": "bf22fc11-c0e5-4732-b8ef-58d6b319a08a",
"name": "TEST Account",
"username": "",
"enabled": true,
"timezone": "Africa/Johannesburg"
Response Status Codes
Code | Meaning |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized / Require Authentication |
403 | Forbidden / Access Denied |
404 | Not Found |
429 | Too Many Requests / Your Rate Limited |
500, 501, 502, 503, 504 | Service Unavailable |
Response Properties
Name | In | Type | Description |
calling_station_id | body | string | Calling Station Id. |
creation_time | body | string | Datetime when the subscriber account was created. |
domain | body | string | Entity Domain. |
enabled | body | boolean | Boolean to enable/disable subscriber. A disabled subscriber will not recieve services. |
expire | body | string | Datetime when the subscriber account is set to expire. If this is in the past, the account will not recieve services. |
id | body | string | Unique Entity ID. |
inactive_purge | body | integer | Number of hours that the subscriber can be inactive for before being purged. |
last_seen | body | string | Datetime when last accounting packet was recieved for this subscriber account. |
name | body | string | Name of Entity. |
pool_id | body | string | Pool Id. |
profile | body | string | Name of subscriber profile currently applied to this subscriber account. |
profile_id | body | string | Profile Id. |
purge_if_seen | body | boolean | If true subscriber can only be purged after having been active. |
service | body | string | Name of Radius Service profile currently applied to this subscriber account. |
service_id | body | string | Service Id. |
static_ip4 | body | string | Static IP address assigned to subscriber account. |
tenant_id | body | string | Entity Tenant. |
timezone | body | string | Timezone in which the subscriber account exists, used for aggrigation of telemetry data. |
uncapped_data | body | boolean | Boolean to indicate of the subscriber account is allowed to use uncapped data. |
username | body | string | Username. |
virtual | body | string | Name of Virtual Radius server currently applied to this subscriber account. |
virtual_id | body | string | Virtual Id. |
Response Example
"id": "0001d2f0-61c7-4ab8-b4db-21118b886711",
"virtual_id": "465be807-54f1-4bf6-b940-398ed95cdbe7",
"service_id": "dee171f4-34a7-401b-bdef-9cd2ca6a9e8f",
"profile_id": "bf22fc11-c0e5-4732-b8ef-58d6b319a08a",
"pool_id": null,
"domain": "",
"tenant_id": null,
"name": "TEST Account",
"username": "",
"calling_station_id": "",
"static_ip4": null,
"last_known_nas_name": null,
"last_known_nas_ip4": null,
"enabled": true,
"creation_time": "2021-06-23T07:57:21.000Z",
"updated_time": "2024-08-23T12:10:52.000Z",
"expire": "2024-09-24T07:54:00.000Z",
"timezone": "Africa/Johannesburg",
"last_seen": "2021-07-05T06:57:43.000Z",
"inactive_purge": null,
"purge_if_seen": false,
"locked_tags": "",
"service": "BROADBAND PPPOE",
"virtual": "BROADBAND AAA",
"profile": "15 Mbps Uncapped",
"uncapped_data": true
Purge Subscriber Account.
Accepted Roles (RBAC)
AdministratorNetwork OperationsSubscriber AccountsSubscriber AdministratorRequest Parameters
Name | In | Type | Description | MUST include |
X-Auth-Token | header | string | Valid Authentication Token. Please see developers documentation/identity. | X |
X-Tenant-ID | header | string | Request Tenant Context. | |
subscriber_id | url | string | Unique Subscriber Account ID. | X |
Response Status Codes
Code | Meaning |
204 | OK - No Content |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized / Require Authentication |
403 | Forbidden / Access Denied |
404 | Not Found |
429 | Too Many Requests / Your Rate Limited |
500, 501, 502, 503, 504 | Service Unavailable |
Subscriber Account Status.
Accepted Roles (RBAC)
AdministratorCustomerNetwork OperationsStaff MemberSubscriber AccountsSubscriber AdministratorSubscriber SupportSupportRequest Parameters
Name | In | Type | Description | MUST include |
X-Auth-Token | header | string | Valid Authentication Token. Please see developers documentation/identity. | X |
X-Tenant-ID | header | string | Request Tenant Context. | |
X-Timezone | header | string | Timezone for response datetime property values. (default UTC) | |
subscriber_id | url | string | Subscriber Id. | X |
Response Status Codes
Code | Meaning |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized / Require Authentication |
403 | Forbidden / Access Denied |
404 | Not Found |
429 | Too Many Requests / Your Rate Limited |
500, 501, 502, 503, 504 | Service Unavailable |
Response Properties
Name | In | Type | Description |
active | body | boolean | Active. |
download | body | string | Download in GigaBytes. |
messages | body | array | Array of messages relating the account status. |
upload | body | string | Upload in GigaBytes. |
Response Example
"active": false,
"messages": [
"Account credits depleted"
"upload": "150.000",
"download": "150.000"
Get Active or Inactive Subscribers
Accepted Roles (RBAC)
AdministratorCustomerNetwork OperationsStaff MemberSubscriber AccountsSubscriber AdministratorSubscriber SupportSupportRequest Parameters
Name | In | Type | Description | MUST include |
X-Auth-Token | header | string | Valid Authentication Token. Please see developers documentation/identity. | X |
X-Timezone | header | string | Timezone for response datetime property values. (default UTC) | |
comparison | body | string | The accepted values are; >, <, >=, <= | |
not_seen | body | boolean | True to display subscribers not seen in relation to the provided target_datetime and comparison. False to display subscribers seen in relation to the provided target_datetime and comparison. | |
target_datetime | body | string | Target Datetime. | |
timezone | body | string | Timezone. |
Response Status Codes
Code | Meaning |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized / Require Authentication |
403 | Forbidden / Access Denied |
429 | Too Many Requests / Your Rate Limited |
500, 501, 502, 503, 504 | Service Unavailable |
Response Properties
Name | In | Type | Description |
calling_station_id | body | string | Calling Station Id. |
creation_time | body | string | Datetime when the subscriber account was created. |
domain | body | string | Entity Domain. |
enabled | body | boolean | Boolean to enable/disable subscriber. A disabled subscriber will not recieve services. |
expire | body | string | Datetime when the subscriber account is set to expire. If this is in the past, the account will not recieve services. |
id | body | string | Unique Entity ID. |
inactive_purge | body | integer | Number of hours that the subscriber can be inactive for before being purged. |
last_seen | body | string | Datetime when last accounting packet was recieved for this subscriber account. |
name | body | string | Name of Entity. |
pool_id | body | string | Pool Id. |
profile_id | body | string | Profile Id. |
purge_if_seen | body | boolean | If true subscriber can only be purged after having been active. |
service_id | body | string | Service Id. |
static_ip4 | body | string | Static IP address assigned to subscriber account. |
tenant_id | body | string | Entity Tenant. |
timezone | body | string | Timezone in which the subscriber account exists, used for aggrigation of telemetry data. |
username | body | string | Username. |
virtual_id | body | string | Virtual Id. |
Response Example
"id": "0001d2f0-61c7-4ab8-b4db-21118b886711",
"virtual_id": "465be807-54f1-4bf6-b940-398ed95cdbe7",
"service_id": "dee171f4-34a7-401b-bdef-9cd2ca6a9e8f",
"profile_id": "bf22fc11-c0e5-4732-b8ef-58d6b319a08a",
"domain": "",
"tenant_id": null,
"name": "TEST Account",
"username": "",
"calling_station_id": "",
"static_ip4": null,
"last_known_nas_name": null,
"last_known_nas_ip4": null,
"enabled": true,
"creation_time": "2021-06-23T07:57:21.000Z",
"expire": "2024-09-24T07:54:00.000Z",
"timezone": "Africa/Johannesburg",
"last_seen": "2021-07-05T06:57:43.000Z",
"inactive_purge": null,
"purge_if_seen": false,
"locked_tags": ""