Proxy Requirements
Linux UBUNTU LTS 21.04 Server.
X86 (64bit) 3 Virtual CPU(s) or 2-4 core processor minimal.
8GB Minimum memory.
512G Disk Drive.
1 NIC (more optional)
1 IP (more optional)
Internet access. (5Mbit/s bandwidth minimum)
Outside SSH Open for automation and support systems.
Outside HTTPS (port 443) for RPC calls.
No security policies blocking access between NAS/Clients and Server IPs.
OS Installation specifications
Ensure the root file system uses the maximum disk space available for partitioning.
Swap Space double the current memory allocated to the server.
Minimal install with only OpenSSH additional.
Initial user for remote access via SSH directly.
- Ensure the following source IP Addresses can SSH to the server from outside: