Proxy Requirements


  • Linux UBUNTU LTS 21.04 Server.

  • X86 (64bit) 3 Virtual CPU(s) or 2-4 core processor minimal.

  • 8GB Minimum memory.

  • 512G Disk Drive.

  • 1 NIC (more optional)

  • 1 IP (more optional)

  • Internet access. (5Mbit/s bandwidth minimum)

  • Outside SSH Open for automation and support systems.

  • Outside HTTPS (port 443) for RPC calls.

  • No security policies blocking access between NAS/Clients and Server IPs.

OS Installation specifications

  • Ensure the root file system uses the maximum disk space available for partitioning.

  • Swap Space double the current memory allocated to the server.

  • Minimal install with only OpenSSH additional.

  • Initial user for remote access via SSH directly.

  • Ensure the following source IP Addresses can SSH to the server from outside:
